English Language Follows Japanese Language
主催:国際大学 共催:南魚沼市
◇日時:2023年8月26日(土)14:00~17:30 (13:30開場)
◇会場:南魚沼市民会館 大ホール
< 開会 >【14:00】
開会挨拶 国際大学学長 伊丹 敬之
来賓挨拶 新潟県産業労働部 部長 金井 健一 氏
< 講演 >【14:10頃~】
講演① 「地域の社会課題解決から世界のソーシャルビジネスへ 」
南魚沼市長 林 茂男 氏
講演②「デジタルとウェルビーイング -人口減少に対応した新しい地域経済のかたち-」
デジタル庁統括官 村上 敬亮 氏
新しいビジネスを創出するスタートアップ企業を支援するための環境つくりなどについて解説しながら、デジタル田園都市において最終的なゴールとして実現すべき Well- Being(心の豊かさ)とは何なのかについて、講演者の思いを語ります。===============================================================================================================================
IT政策、クールジャパン戦略の立ち上げ、COP15, 16等の温暖化国際交渉、再エネの固定価格買取制度創設等に従事。2014年より内
< 質疑応答 >
< パネルディスカッション >【15:15頃~】
・株式会社 ESSSAN 代表取締役社長 吉田 美穂 氏
・株式会社 accos 代表取締役 永井 亜木子 氏
・第四北越銀行 コンサルティング事業部 副部長 石田 渉 氏
・南魚沼市産業振興部 部長 腰越 勝利 氏
・国際大学国際経営学研究科准教授 舟橋 學
・国際大学国際経営学研究科 Abdulazeez Idiaro
・国際大学GLOCOM 研究員/講師 菊地 映輝 ★モデレーター
< 質疑応答 >
< 閉会 >
閉会挨拶 国際大学副学長 加藤 宏
★司会 刈屋 富士雄 氏 元NHKアナウンサー/ 解説委員
国際大学 スーパーグローバル大学推進・地域連携室
TEL:025-779-1459 MAIL:sgu@iuj.ac.jp
Translated Version
International University of Japan Top Global University Creation Support Project Symposium
Changing the world from Minamiuonuma -Emergence of global business
through ideas, wisdom and connections-
Organizer: International University of Japan Co-organizer: Minamiuonuma City
The society in which we live is surrounded by global problems such as global warming, resource shortages, and poverty, as well as various regional issues such as a shortage of successors to local industries, a decrease in employment opportunities, and a population outflow. Under such circumstances, attention is being paid to the form of business that aims to create a better society by sharing wisdom and working together to solve problems among various people who are responsible for society. Our thoughts and ideas may be the trigger to change the world.
At this symposium, with the key words of “entrepreneurship,” “business creation,” “regional revitalization,” and “globalization,” we will work together with people from industry, government, academia, and finance to realize more prosperous and attractive urban development for the future, and to promote globalization. I would like to talk with you about the possibility of expansion. It will be held in a hybrid format. We look forward to your participation.
Overview of the event
- Date and time: Saturday, August 26, 2023, 14:00-17:30 (doors open at 13:30)
- Holding format: Hybrid format
- (Minami Uonuma Civic Center Large Hall / online delivery via Zoom)
- Language: Japan Language (English simultaneous interpretation available)
- Organizer: International University of Japan
- Co-sponsored by: Minamiuonuma City
- Target: Anyone with an interest can participate.
- Participation fee: Free
14:00-14:05 Opening Remarks
– Hiroyuki Itami (President, International University of Japan)
14:05-14:10 Guest Speech
– Kenichi Kanai (Director, Industry and Labor Department, Niigata Prefecture)
14:10-14:25 Mayor’s Lecture “Efforts of Minamiuonuma City for Business Creation”
– Shigeo Hayashi (Mayor of Minamiuonuma City)
In Minamiuonuma City, in order to promote sustainable urban development for the future, we have set up the “Industrial Promotion / Work-friendly Town Project” in the basic plan, and will focus on supporting startups and fostering entrepreneurs to “create” and “enhance” earning power. I’m putting In recent years, as a new development, while effectively utilizing the “Human resource development and resort office / garden city concept Matsui fund”, new fields such as training of human resources and entrepreneurs who will bring about innovation in this area, and support after start-up We are also working on business creation support, and we are promoting innovation human resources and entrepreneur training projects with the aim of becoming a pioneering model even in rural areas and recognized nationwide.
14:25-14:50 Keynote Speech “Digital and Well-Being – A New Form of Regional Economy in Response to Population Decline -“
– Keisuke Murakami (Director General, Digital Agency)
Under the Digital Garden City National Concept, how can we protect the productivity and wage levels of the regional economy even under the declining population? Is it possible to develop business leaders that utilize local resources and create industries through public-private partnerships?
While explaining how to create an environment to support start-up companies that create new businesses, the speaker will discuss what Well-Being should be as the ultimate goal of the digital garden city. I will talk about my thoughts. ================================================== ================================================== ===========================
[ Biography]
Born in Tokyo in 1967. In 1990, he entered the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
He is engaged in IT policy, the launch of the Cool Japan strategy, international negotiations on global warming such as COP15 and 16, establishment of a feed-in tariff system for renewable energy, etc. Since 2014, he
has been engaged in regional revitalization work at the Cabinet Secretariat and Cabinet Office, and since July 2020, he has been the manager of the Management Support Department of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency. Since July 2021, he has been a deputy director-general of the Cabinet Secretariat’s IT Comprehensive Strategy Office, and
has been in his current position since September.
14:50-15:05 Q&A
——-Break (10 minutes)——-
15 :15-16:35 Panel discussion “How to connect regional and global social issues?” Company accos Representative Director) - Wataru Ishida (Deputy General Manager, Consulting Division, Daishi Hokuetsu Bank) - Katsutoshi Koshigoe (General Manager, Minamiuonuma City Industrial Promotion Department) - Manabu Funabashi (International University Graduate School of International Management, Associate Professor) - Abdulazeez Idiaro (International University) Graduate School of International Management/IUJ International Entrepreneur Club)
16:35-16:50 Q&A
16:50-16:55 Closing Remarks
– Hiroshi Kato, Vice President, International University of Japan
17:00-17:30 Exchange meeting (at the foyer of Minami Uonuma Civic Center)
* Moderator: Fujio Kariya (former NHK announcer/commentary committee member)
Please select a participation method from the following and feel free to apply from the application form.
*Application deadline: Friday, August 25, 2023
*For those who have applied online, you will receive a confirmation email regarding your participation in the webinar after registration.
Inquiries about this event
IUJ Top Global University Promotion and Regional Collaboration Office
TEL: 025-779-1459 MAIL: sgu[at]iuj.ac.jp
*Information about this symposium (IUJ website)
Extract from INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF JAPAN https://www.iuj.ac.jp/jp/iujsgusymposium20230801/ and here https://www.iuj.ac.jp/20230826/