Hayaca Marketing Plan

We jointly conducted research and presented the services for HayaCa Car Pooling Service. We analyzed transportation in Japan and Globally, drafted the vision and mission, identified core competencies, corporate objectives and projected market share, growth rate and partnership required to setup business in Japan.

Product market matrix comprising of marketing development, diversification, market penetration and product development for new and current markets, current products and new products were also researched and presented.

Analysis of the car sharing market trends, unique selling points, market evaluation, probability and impact matrix, six angles of competition, business opportunities and threats and competitor analysis were all conducted.

Customer analysis, decision making process is another task we need to execute. It includes customer behavior, selection of alternatives, purchase decision, post purchase decision. We went a step further decide on customer segmentation, product attribute and personal map and new marketplace-blue ocean strategy. We further prepared the Marketing Mix, comprising of product strategy, product differentiation, pricing, distribution and promotion channels were determined and presented.

Then we prepared a implementation game plan that includes sales forecast, share over time, cost over time, revenue over time, revenue breakdown, net profit structure, detailed implementation plan, financial data and projection

Team: Clark (United States of America), Aya (Japan), Bhoj (Nepal), Abdulazeez (Nigeria), Aman (India), Abe (Japan).

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