A very big thanks to the speakers for the wonderful presentations on “Digital Marketing in Japanese HEIs International Symposium 2022”, at the International University of Japan (IUJ) on 14 October, 2022. The hybrid event is a forum where digital marketing experts and practitioners gather
to give insight about how Higher Institutions(Universities etc) target local and international students and stakeholders through their conscious digital market skills.
My participation in the symposium deliver on its mandates which are:
- Understand how other universities use and manage digital marketing and social media to recruit new students and engage current students.
- Learn the tips and techniques you need to develop world-class digital marketing activities.
- You can create a community of people involved in digital marketing at the university and expand your network.
Morning (Online & F2F)*
Digital Marketing (DM) Symposium
Hiroyuki Itami President, International University of Japan
Digital Marketing Opportunities and Challenges in Japanese Higher Education Institutions
Alessandro Comai (International University of Japan)
Differentiation of APU and practice of DM to become a university of choice
Kaori Shiga (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
Efforts for WEB marketing optimization” – Promotion example by LINE
Yuriko Watanabe ( International University of Japan )
Exploring the practice of DM in graduate school – a case study of Japan University of Economics
Fumiyuki Takahashi ( Japan University of Economics)
What’s your plan? How to effortlessly and effectively plan your next campaign
Heather Young (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University – OIST)
Pursuit of reproducibility in digital marketing
Hajime Nomura (DAS Inc./OpenClassrooms)
Yusuke Jinnai Director, International University Research Institute
Source: Alessandro Comai , digitalmarketing-symposium.com