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Extract from: JICA


ハック・アデリータ・ハリマ(バングラデシュ出身 / 武蔵野大学 グローバルビジネス学科 2年)


イディアロ・アブドゥラゼズの素晴らしさ – はじめに –


着物姿のイディアロさん / Idiaro in Kimono





IUJのIUJアフリカ共同体との交流/Catching up with the members of IUJ African Community





「アフリカの可能性を引き出す」のプログラムでのスピーチ/ Giving a speech at the program “Unlocking Africa’s Potential: The Africa-Japan Partnership


特に、彼が携わっているalowave.comのプロジェクトにおいては、MVP(Minimum Viable Product、最低限の機能を備えた製品)の概念を導入し、迅速な市場参入や、顧客からのフィードバックの収集、そして製品の改良を可能にする効果的な戦略を実践している。このアプローチは、アフリカ市場における成功の鍵として、製品の市場適合性を迅速に検証しながら、現地のニーズに応じた調整を行うことを重視している。




イディアロさんは、未来の長期研修員に貴重なアドバイスをした: 「ワークライフバランスを図ること、行動すること、革新的であること、そして正面から挑戦することが大切です。」彼は、急速に変化する世界情勢の中で、競争力を維持するために、日本企業はもっと進んでリスクを取り、迅速に行動し、戦略を見直すべきだと考える。

Showcasing the Greatness of Idiaro Abdulazeez – Introduction –

Idiaro Abdulazeez, a dynamic individual from Nigeria, has made remarkable strides in his academic and professional journey. Holding a B.Sc, M.Sc, and an MBA, he has been a trailblazer, especially in business and leadership. As a Former President of the IUJ African Community, he has played a pivotal role in fostering collaboration and creating opportunities for African students in Japan. His connection with JICA has further enhanced his impact, allowing him to bridge the gap between Japan and Africa.

Early Motivation for Business

Initially inclined toward a medical career, Idiaro found that business and leadership came naturally to him. As the first child, he was often responsible for guiding his siblings and managing his family’s business, which sparked his interest in business. “Business was always natural to me,” Idiaro reflects. His early experiences in the family business laid the foundation for his future pursuits, where he seamlessly transitioned into the business field, finding a natural fit in leadership roles.

Academic Achievements and Leadership at IUJ

At the International University of Japan (IUJ), Idiaro pursued an MBA specializing in Management, Marketing, and IT/Operations/Supply Chain Management. His active involvement in leadership roles complemented his academic journey. As the President of the IUJ African Community, he successfully managed a diverse group of around 70 African members from various countries, navigating challenges and exploring opportunities for collaboration innovatively. His team’s joint efforts have culminated in the organization of the first Africa Symposium at IUJ, a significant event that brought together Ambassadors, Private Sector representatives, and JICA officials. Concurrently, he also initiated the relationship between the International University of Japan (IUJ) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) which later opened the way for the program “Unlocking Africa’s Potential: The Africa-Japan Partnership – An Afternoon with Ms. Ahunna Eziakonwa”.

Connecting Japan and Africa

Idiaro’s dedication to bridging the gap between Japan and Africa is evident from his experience as a Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, and mentor in International Business at IUJ. His research focuses on connecting Japanese companies with African markets, demonstrating his deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within the African region. He has studied the cultural, economic, and market-specific backgrounds of each region, emphasizing the need to design product-market fit and advocating for a tailored business approach.
In particular, his involvement with highlights the effective strategy of starting with an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). This approach allows for quick market entry, gathering feedback from customers, and refining the product accordingly. By rapidly validating product-market fit in the African market, this strategy enables the necessary adjustments to meet local needs and increase the likelihood of success.

Challenges and Growth

Currently, Idiaro is engaged in an internship in Tokyo, where he is working on projects that focus on Africa. He is conducting Business Design for Japanese companies that want to expand abroad, particularly those targeting the African market through franchising. He also coordinates various collaborative projects involving African development, all within this short timeframe. Despite the challenges posed by time zone differences, sleepless nights, and demanding assignments, Idiaro thrives on working with intellectually stimulating individuals. “I like working with people smarter than me as a team; it motivates me and makes us achieve more together,” he says, underscoring his drive for continuous growth and learning.

Advice to Future Scholars

Idiaro offers valuable advice to future scholars: “It’s important to have a work-life balance, stop thinking without actions, be innovative, and embrace challenges.” He believes Japanese companies should be more willing to take risks, act faster, and revise their strategies to remain competitive in a rapidly changing global landscape.

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