Business and Management

Started from family trading business, then progressed to personal businesses, some succeeded and some failed. Experiences and and Academic Knowledge thought me how to run a successful business.

Abdulazeez is a core Business Manager; he is passionate about ensuring businesses take maximum advantage of the opportunities offered by technology and continually seeks ways to improve process  to achieve rapid and sustainable growth by providing tailored expert advice. He Performance Specialist and skilled in identifying business, process, digitalization and system requirement Private and Public Sector Organizations.

Abdulazeez had is B.Sc and M.Sc in Business Administration at the University of Ilorin and University of Abuja, Nigeria respectively. He studies his MBA at International University of Japan. He acquired proficiency certificate in management from Nigeria institute of management and an associate member of the reputable organization professional body.

An associate member of Nigerian institute of management, Abdulazeez actively seeks to help businesses improve their understand of their business problem and offer dynamic solutions with complimentary IT systems if required.

Haven spent about 40 years in Nigeria business sector, he has a thorough understanding of Nigeria business environment as well as wide network to help navigate Nigeria business environment.


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